Tomas Artesanal Tepeztate Mezcal

SKU: US-9541359239450-207 Category:

Tomas Artesanal Tepeztate Mezcal: Oaxaca’s Hidden Gem
Nestled in the hidden corners of Santa Ana del Rio, Oaxaca, Tomas Artesanal is like the Tarantino of mezcal—bold, unique, and unforgettable. They’ve been turning heads with their hand-crafted, small-batch agave spirits that honor the true spirit of Mexico. Think of their mezcal as a liquid tribute to the rich history of artisans and mezcaleros. The local wild fruit trees and wild yeast create a sweet and savory symphony that dances with roasted agave flavors. At Tomas Artesanal, every bottle tells a story of dedication, quality, and authenticity.
Introducing Tomas Artesanal Tepeztate Mezcal—a mezcal so bold it could star in its own action movie. Made from 100% Wild Maguey Tepeztate, this prized agave takes up to 25 years to mature and often grows in the most rugged terrains. From the remote village of Santa Ana del Rio, where mezcal is a way of life, this spirit is cooked in an earthen pit oven, milled by horse-drawn stone tahona, and double distilled in copper stills. Expect vegetal and herbal notes, roasted peppers, and a hint of mint to finish off this complex masterpiece.




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